From 4pm today, I am now officially unemployed. This is the third time I'm leaving the same office and I feels sad and unsettled each time - like I shouldn't be leaving, survivor's guilt perhaps? I don't know.
I'm surprised how much I've really enjoyed working this time, even though the workload has doubled for the holiday season - people are working 12-hour days, which is no joke when you start at 430am. I guess the colleagues-turned-friends more than makes up for the crappy hours, and it is also an ego boost to be valued after a year of student jobs.
From Tuesday I am officially on holiday. Sipadan, here we come! We might even do Mt KK and the Miri caves, ala Karen, if we still have energy.
why wy?
Friday, January 06, 2006 at 10:14 PM
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