Another post from the dissection room: I didn't want to, but after much laughter over dinner last night, I decided to share. It was bound to come eventually, cutting up the genitals. Nick kinda freaked out when he chanced on my open anatomy book.
choice quote: I thought it was a cook book, until I looked closer.
And in class, most were squeamish (really because we needed to use a monster-sized bone saw for the pelvis) and this was the best quote.
If a girl can't find the clitoris what chance do guys have?
lego comic figures (with neil gaiman, alan moore and grant morrison, my absolute three fav writers)
And I've added a link to pixel girl on the side. Lovely place for wallpapers and icons, Mac and pc.
why wy?
Sunday, September 19, 2004 at 6:39 AM
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